The Emergency Telephone Numbers in Bali
The emergency telephone numbers that can be contacted for the Bali area are as follows:
- Emergency call center: 112
- Information call center: 0361 108
- Police call center: 110
- BPBD stands for Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah or Regional Disaster Management Agency, they handle: fires, fallen tree, accidents/traffic accident (crash), wild animals (snakes and monitor lizard) sneaking into the house, evacuation of sick patients, free corpse delivery service, search and rescue for victims in the water. Instagram: bpbd_kota_denpasar, bpbdbadung
- BPBD Bali Province: 0361 251177, 085792240799
- BPBD Denpasar City: 0361 223333, 081236706882
- BPBD Badung Regency: 08113894000
- BPBD Gianyar Regency: 0361 8958447/4795632/08113884353
- BPBD Bangli Regency: 0366 91448
- BPBD Karangasem Regency: 0363 22173, 081384417970
- BPBD Klungkung Regency: 0366 21047/23000
- BPBD Tabanan Regency: 0361 811171
- BPBD Jembrana Regency: 0365 41166, 082145730669
- BPBD Buleleng Regency: 0362 23022
- Basarnas (SAR/Search and Rescue) Bali 0361 703300/705536, 081138115115
- PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia/Indonesian Red Cross) Bali Province: 0361 483465, 081339474681
Police =
Keywords: Website Kepolisian Daerah Bali, Website Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, Polisi (Police), Indonesia, Bali, Denpasar, Badung (City/Regency in Bali).
Keywords: Website BPBD Provinsi Bali, BPBD/Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah, Denpasar, Badung (City=Kota, Regency=Kabupaten, in=di, Province=Provinsi)
Hospital :
Keywords: Website Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Denpasar, Provinsi (province), Kabupaten (regency), Kota (city), rumah sakit (hospital), pemerintah (government), Denpasar, Badung (City/Regency in Bali), Bali is Province.
Fire Department and Rescue Badung Regency =
Phone: 0361 411333 (emergency call center), 0361 428449 Fire Department and Rescue Badung Regency
Keywords: Website Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Denpasar, Badung (City/Regency in Bali), Dinas Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan=Fire Department and Rescue

Dharma Na Gara
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