Accident or Personal Injury
What to do when you got a car/motor cycle accident or personal injury in Bali-Indonesia?
- Collect evidences as much as possible such as photos of the witnesses on the scene and ask to take photos of their id card, and take photos and/or videos of the car/motor cycle which involve in the accident, the street/place, the people who involve in the accident and your injury if you have;
- Go to the nearby public hospital which has forensic specialist doctors, for instance in around Denpasar city there’s Sanglah General Hospital to get a medical record of your wounds which we call it “visum et repertum” as a strong evidence in the court also for treatment of your wounds;
- Contact us to give you advice what to do next.

Dharma Na Gara
Dharma Na Gara, S.H.,M.H., and Partners is a Law Office which established in 2016 and experienced in the law enforcement in Indonesia since 2011, we’re focusing on 3 Major Fields of Law, they’re Civil Law, Criminal Law and State Administration Law.
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